

Meet our Team

Let us introduce you to our co-founders

At ThinkYouTube, we are proud to have a team of seasoned professionals who have mastered the art of YouTube success.

Omkar Nisal

Omkar Nisal is a Growth Consultant and Private Investor with over 6 years of experience in private investment and acquisition. He is passionate about helping senior entrepreneurs transition into retirement and preserving the legacy, relationships, and scale up their Brand. of their businesses.

Omkar has multi-dimensional problem-solving abilities, a zealous approach, firm positive attitude, and an ability to work solo as well as in a team. He has vast experience in growth strategies, growth hacking, and enjoys consulting budding entrepreneurs to streamline and grow their revenues and teams.

Aditya Sharma

Success tastes the sweetest, after Failure. Aditya can vouch for this fact because his first two entrepreneurial ventures didn't see the light of the day but Aditya finally got a silver lining with a YouTube channel in the life improvement & productivity domain in 2020. He then co-founded ThinkYouTube to offer strategic consultancy to YouTube creators and businesses thereby helping them increase their reach and visibility

Aditya is a visionary when it comes to YouTube strategies. His deep understanding of audience psychology and content trends makes him a true asset for anyone looking to make their mark on YouTube

With years of experience in the industry, Aditya brings unparalleled expertise in creating engaging content and optimizing channel growth. He knows the ins and outs of YouTube like no other.